Ethan Allen Institute - Commentaries and Fiscal Reports
As 2010 began, state government faced a General Fund shortfall of $154 million. Here are selected commentaries and analysis from the Ethan Allen Institute on how the legislature should address this important issue.
The New Governor's Fiscal Challenge
The most immediate challenge facing Vermont's new Governor is the projected $112 million FY12 General Fund shortfall. Last year the legislature faced a budget gap of $154 million. Thanks to the final year of federal stimulus funding and hopeful projections for Challenge for Change (CfC) savings, legislators went home believing that they had delivered a balanced budget.
(John McClaughry, November 16, 2010)
The Challenge for Change Dream World
The vaunted "Challenge for Change" bill promises $37.8 million in General Fund savings in FY2011. The more notable outcome will be a new commission's report on what went wrong with the grand plan. The next Governor needs to create a totally independent commission to reexamine what state government is spending money on, and how much goes beyond the taxpayers' capacity to pay for it. (June 2010)
State Spending: Totally Unsustainable
Vermont state government is facing $470 million general fund shortfall over the next four years - plus over $2 billion in long term actuarial deficits for benefit plans. Vermont's liberal politics has created a government spending machine that is now far outstripping the capacity of already overburdened Vermont taxpayers to keep it running. (November 17, 2009)
Off the Rails: Changing Demographics, Changing Economics, Accumulating Obligations: How Will Vermont Cope with a Challenging Future? This report (pdf format) appeared in 2006 and was updated and expanded in 2008. It shows how demographic change will drive state taxing and spending by 2030, and the likely effects on economic growth.
http://ethanallen.org/pdf/OffTheRailsFINAL.pdf (2008)