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Vermont K-12 Education Spending

Vermonters spend $1.4 billion a year to further the K-12 education of some 93,000 pupils. The following links will enable a citizen to find out how and where education dollars are spent, and how well Vermont pupils are performing on various assessments.

For an explanation of how education finance works in Vermont, and the revenue sources to support it, click here.

Vermont School Report is a comprehensive report that incorporates school finance and other data into school-by-school reports, organized by town. It is a joint project of the Department of Education and the Center for Rural Studies at UVM.
View data for a town:

The Vermont Department of Education also collects and reports on a wide range of data related to public schools in the state. Categories of data currently available include...
  • Accountability Data (State)
    View Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) summary reports and individual data reports for each school district and school.
  • Assessment Data (State & National)
    View links to various student, school, supervisory unions/districts, state, and national assessment results information (e.g., NECAP, NSRE, VT-DRA, VT-PASS, SAT, AP and the Nation's Report Card).
  • School Finance Data Reports
    These reports are generated by the Department's School Finance division at various times during the year based on data submitted by school districts/supervisory unions. Each report targets specific information for all towns/schools in Vermont.
  • Special Education Data
    The department collects and reports data annually on a number of indicators concerning special education as required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA). Current data available at both the statewide and supervisory union level in the Child Count, the State Performance Plan and the Annual Performance Report.

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